Top 100 Chart placements for 20CONTRE1
Updated 1 month ago
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Following its one year of existence and five releases, the label 20CONTRE1 invites you to experience its first compilation : Cynodrome. Enter the racetrack where a selection of fiery tunes ; made by the most feisty racing greyhounds of the scene and orchestrated by the label's boss Von Bikräv ; are mixing Frapcore, Uptempo, Hardcore, Gabber and so much more. Besides household names like Claude Murder, Shtelameï or Von Bikräv, you'll find the MVPs : Future is Offline, DJ Zvonimir, Jepeto, LÄUFF, and DJ Caline. Also present on the starting line : rookies Kimberlaid & Gajeb, Apy, DJ Energic Rabbeat, DJ Plaisir, Flawx & JAGGER, and Baboush & Piccolo. Last but not least : the underdogs Moenarr and TeufGuy to complete the pack. Place your bets and don't miss the start of the first 20CONTRE1 Cynodrome's race, and its modern disruptive vision of current hardcore.
Von Bikrav, LÄUFF, Claude Murder, Future Is Offline, Shtelameï, DJ Caline, JAGGER (FR), Jepeto, Dj Zvonimir, KimberlaID, Gajeb, Piccolø, Baboush, DJ Plaisir, Apy, Moenarr, TeufGuy, DJ Energic Rabbeat