Top 100 Chart placements for Devonanon
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10 years after their debut, City of All Times, audio-visual enquirers John B McKenna and Richard Greenan re-appear as Devonanon, to share the findings of a decade-long sonic experiment. Like its predecessor, Richard & John is a living, breathing collection of field recordings and compositions, gathered gradually from remote corners of the pairs lives. Familiar waypoints - interwoven microtonal synths, regurgitated live performances, polite whispering, and the gurgling hum of vehicles (land and sea) - all fold into the perpetual stew. Where City read like a crumpled postcard account of fraternal reportage, Richard & John is a tone poem on something more amorphous, and out of time - a garbled history of human closeness, upheaval and pastoral technology, that seems to warp and flex like a tapestry with no beginning or end. No two spoonfuls are the same, as the story reels through kosmische library stylings (Wilderness Engine), to cortex-quieting free association (Generate Countryside), and baroque instrumentation (Blood Laughing, featuring Masayoshi Fujita on vibraphone, and Rosa Juritz on bassoon). Recommended if you like CS + Kreme, Pierre Marietan, Kirk Barley. Richard & John was created in conversation with the visual artist David Huang.