Top 100 Chart placements for 9OASES
Updated 2 months ago
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Just after the 10 year anniversary of the series conception comes the release of Four To The Floor 40. Elias Kazais „Neon Nights, with its sultry bass synths and glistening highlights, takes you for a drive through the illuminated streets of downtown Miami. „Bonkers by Cologne-based duo 9OASES is like playing tag in a bouncy castle - fast paced and feeling completely weightless at times. Ounahs „Right Now truly brings the noise - imagine this movies supervillain rolling into the scene on an aircraft carrier. And closing off the FTTF40 is Ledi Cannits remix of „Stop Talking by Graumann and Erdem Yetim - a fun and crunchy adventure, perfect for a dance after sunset and cocktail number 4.